Good evening everyone,
I have been pretty post less recently. Sorry about that. All three of us have been sick with a bug that will just not let go. Aside from that there has not been a whole lot going on in my little world worth rambling about. This weekend has been an exciting one however. My son's basketball team had a tournament in Unionville and while the boys didn't win overall they did come home with a bronze medal. More importantly they all had a great time and the games were fun to watch.
Even though I have been falling behind in the blogisphere I have been getting a few crafts done. One thing I tried was a animal 'skin' carpet. I have an outline of one so I re sized it and used left over patterned wallpaper for the effect. I'm not too sure how much I like it. What do you all think? A little too fake looking is what I am thinking. Maybe if I found some fabric? Hm mm. I will have to look around. If anyone else has some give it a shot and let me know how it worked out.
The other pictures will have to wait until tomorrow since my scanner is currently uncooperative. I will hopefully be able to show off my newest carpet and a bedspread I am working on. Until then, have a great night,